Seasonal Immersions for Connection and Aliveness

Nature . Collective . Self

For the love of humanity and our planet, to bring us back to our aliveness.

We exist to host gatherings where you can be fully immersed in the possibilities of deep connection, radical aliveness & service to yourself & your community. To not RETREAT away from the world but to IMMERSE yourself in what it means to be fully alive and present with all that is.

We aim to teach the essence of living a life grounded in unity, acceptance, and integrity. For individuals looking for new tools to build resilience within who they are, personal & spiritual growth as well as connecting to a community of like-minded souls.

We use the word IMMERSION because we host you so you can fully immerse yourself in the cycles of the seasons, in yourself and your soul, in the deep work, the joy and the aliveness. Our gatherings are a full immersion for all aspects of your being, the work is profound and transformative as it is joyful and celebratory of our humanity and aliveness.

Working with the seasons, emotions, elements and land.

We create seasonal immersions to support our emotional, physical and spiritual bodies. To realign with the cycles of nature, engage in collective rituals, somatic practices and functional workshops to invite & encourage a more connected, empowered and resilient you.

Created with a deep love and care because...

We believe something else is possible.
We want spaces to feel safe to express all that we are.
We want to learn to fully accept ourselves and each other.
We want to learn how to be sovereign and
empowered within ourselves.
We want to reconnect deeply with our beings.
We want to know how to support our bodies & emotions with natural nourishing food.
We want to find the magic and beauty again in the simplicity of life & nature…how she supports us, and how we can care for her.
We deserve to feel whole and fully alive.

Because we need each other.
Because we want to unlearn so we can re learn how to live in a more holistic and self responsible way.

Our spaces are for you to allow all of your aliveness…to express, to feel, to play, to listen, to grow, to simply be.